CNDR Finds Database

Monolith table

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SampleContextCTX groupEntityTrenchLithologyPollen recoveryLocal envRegion envSalinityMin depthMax depthDepth range
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206 records in total.
320463212832131Medieval boundariesDark to light brown sand ...(see all)GoodTerrestrial; open grassland ...(see all)Mixed alder/hazel woodlands ...(see all)Freshwater798079-80
5001350083Light brown sandy clayGoodAlder woodland and open ...(see all)Mixed woodlandTerrestrial111211-12
500135008450081Bronze Age field system, Hadrian's WallLight brown clay with ...(see all)GoodAlder woodlandMixed woodlandTerrestrial394039-40
705127047670465Bronze Age alluviumBay OSticky grey clay with ...(see all)PoorNo environmental data ...(see all)No environmental data ...(see all)No environmental data ...(see all)606160-61
705127047970097Mesolithic alluviumBay OSoft grey clay with charcoalPoorNo environmental data ...(see all)No environmental data ...(see all)No environmental data ...(see all)798079-80
702307006770465Bronze Age alluviumBay DGrey silty clay with ...(see all)GoodAlder/Hazel woodland ...(see all)Mixed deciduous woodlandTerrestrial9109-10
702307031370299Chalcolithic alluviumBay DWet peaty clayGoodAlder / Hazel woodlandMixed woodlandTerrestrial192019-20
7023070315Earlier Neolithic alluvium, Earlier Neolithic organic depositBay DWet peaty clay with charcoal ...(see all)GoodAlder / Hazel woodlandMixed woodlandTerrestrial394039-40
7051370500Bay ODark humic sandy silty ...(see all)GoodWet meadow with evidence ...(see all)Mixed deciduous woodlandTerrestrial101110-11
7051370475Bay ODark grey peaty siltGoodWet meadow with evidence ...(see all)Mixed deciduous woodlandTerrestrial202120-21

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