CNDR Finds Database

WPR table

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A count of 100 = >100 items. A scale of 1-5 where 1 = 1-5 items and 5 means >100 items.

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SampleContextCTX groupEntityTrenchWPRwpr_botanicalWPR sub-type botanicalWPR sub-type colloquialCountScaleAnalysed
first|prev|170 of 170| next | last
1,695 records in total.Out of which 104 are unique records.
711657107071060Mesolithic organic depositBay XBetula spfalse
711657107071060Mesolithic organic depositBay XCorylus avellana nutsfalse
711657107071060Mesolithic organic depositBay XCarex biconvex nutletsfalse
711657107071060Mesolithic organic depositBay XMatrix: PlantMoss fragments2false
711657107071060Mesolithic organic depositBay XMatrix: PlantBuds3false

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