CNDR Finds Database

WPR table

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A count of 100 = >100 items. A scale of 1-5 where 1 = 1-5 items and 5 means >100 items.

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SampleContextCTX groupEntityTrenchWPRwpr_botanicalWPR sub-type botanicalWPR sub-type colloquialCountScaleAnalysed
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1,695 records in total.Out of which 104 are unique records.
510045102451005Hadrian's WallUnknown seedsUnknown seeds11.00true
510045102451005Hadrian's WallMatrix: MineralSand and gravel5true
510045102451005Hadrian's WallGrasslandRumex acetosella LRumex acetosella LSheep's sorrel11.00true
510045102451005Hadrian's WallMatrix: PlantBark5true
510045102451005Hadrian's WallAquatic and wet groundIsolepis setacea (L) ...(see all)Isolepis setacea (L) R BrBristle club-rush92.00true
510045102451005Hadrian's WallAquatic and wet groundRanunculus flammula LRanunculus flammula LLesser spearwort62.00true
510045102451005Hadrian's WallGrasslandPoaceae with caryopsis ...(see all)Poaceae with caryopsis 2 to 4mmGrasses with medium fruits11.00true
510045102451005Hadrian's WallBroad ecological groupingsPotentilla erecta (L ...(see all)Potentilla erecta (L) Raeusch -typeTormentil-type21.00true
510045102451005Hadrian's WallMatrix: MineralCoal4true
510045102451005Hadrian's WallMatrix: AnimalInsects2true

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